(This was a post i had written in 2009 in the RCB website,. With Rahul Dravid calling it a day, I could not find a more apt occasion to publish this.)
Rahul Dravid, as seen from the eyes of one of their favourite nieces, Subiksha Raman.
Subiksha is the daughter of former India Cricketer Mr. W. V. Raman who currently coaches the Bengal Ranji team after having successfully coached the Tamil Nadu Team to new heights. She grew up with the BIG 5 of the Indian cricket and has the sweetest and fondest of memories about and with them. While talking over the phone and via e-mails she showed me the person behind these personas, something that left me warm in the heart and something that I had to share with all of you.
After talking about her Anil Mama, Subiksha now tells me about her Jam Uncle- The one and the only- Rahul Dravid.
This time Subiksha and I had a conversation about the Wall. Her Jam Uncle, and a much loved person both on and off the field. Rahul Dravid over the years has not only captured millions of hearts because of his superb cricketing skills but also because of the gentleman he is.
Having grown up with the BIG 5 of the Indian cricket, Subiksha insists that she had always been OVER-fond of the wall because he was the first guy who gave her a rose; and we girls always have a soft corner for the first rose (and coming from Rahul Dravid it must be SOMETHING else).
Having grown up with the BIG 5 of the Indian cricket, Subiksha insists that she had always been OVER-fond of the wall because he was the first guy who gave her a rose; and we girls always have a soft corner for the first rose (and coming from Rahul Dravid it must be SOMETHING else).
She says after a while "he's such a sweetheart, always smiling and calm. Never loses his chill and he always made it a point to visit my place whenever he was in Chennai.
" The smile itself told me how deep her affection goes for the Wall.

Such is the greatness of the person, Subiksha points out while explaining how he took her friend to sit beside him on a flight just because he happened to be her friend. Though he has reached unsalable heights our wall remains well grounded

I was very curious to know why JAM UNCLE? To this Subiksha gave me a sheepish smile and said "Loved the kissan ad he came in so started calling him Jammy Uncle which got shortened to Jam uncle...”
Speaking of Rahul Dravid, I would never forget how smitten I was to meet him during the Royal Challengers Bangalore Fanatic Fans Challenge 3 finals. His appreciation for my poetry was all I needed to hear
. And even though I did not win, those words of appreciation made my day. I would never forget his words "Keep up your poetry. It was really impressive" when I went to take his autograph.

Jam Uncle, Jammy, The Wall... Call him whatever you like the greatness of his personality always shines through.

I am not a fan of cricket fan but your post really touched me. Su, you can really write well AND make sense.